See what we're up to by following @minneapolissaintpats on Instagram and Minneapolis St. Patrick's Day Association on Facebook!MS. BLARNEY 2024
Congratulations to Geneva Lerwick, our 2024 Ms. Blarney!
Michelle LeBarron and Bridget Adams are dual Ms. Blarney Constest winners! Congratulations to both!
Double queens!
Michelle and Bridget are passionate about raising money for children at Camp Needlepoint. Together, they celebrate Irish pride by organizing and attending events for raising over a thousand dollars of donations for children with diabetes.
The MSPDA thanks Michelle and Bridget for all of their hard work as the 2023 Ms. Blarneys!
Ms. Blarney's princesses, who participate in the Ms. Blarney Contest, ride alongside Ms. Blarney in parades and help with fundraising for the MSPDA. Often seen wearing a sash, tiara, and plenty of green to show off their Irish pride.
(From left to right): MacKenzie Flickinger, Darci Wing (previous 2018 Ms. Blarney), Caitlin Searls (2022 Ms. Blarney), LaDonna Von Stoetzel (previous 2021 Ms. Blarney), Taylor Lassi (previous 2019 Ms. Blarney)
(Not pictured: Riley Engstrom (previous 2021 Ms. Blarney))MS. BLARNEY 2022
Caitlin Searls, 2022 Ms. Blarney Contest winner
A Queen from the beginning!
Caitlin has been an integral part of coordinating and organizing events for raising thousands of dollars of donations for the American Diabetes Association. With her background in restaurant and venue management and her customer-facing career, she networks and creates opportunities for the MSPDA! Previously a hardworking princess since 2020, she was MSPDA's top pick for 2022 Ms. Blarney!
We look forward to a great 2022 year with Queen Caitlin leading the way!
Irish-American Businesswoman
Kathryn Hayes, owner of Anchor Fish & Chips
Irish-American Veteran
Malcolm Watson, WWII Veteran
Irish-American Firefighter
John Hennessy, Minneapolis firefighter
Celebrity Grand Marshall
James Lynch, Vikings football player
Grand Marshall
Kelli Bourgeois, City Manager of Columbia Heights
Riley Engstrom and LaDonna Von Stoetzel, 2020 dual Ms. Blarney Content winners and continuing into the 2021 year!
Double the fun!
Riley and LaDonna are passionate about raising money for children at Camp Needlepoint. Together, they coordinated organizing events for raising over a thousand dollars of donations for children with diabetes.
The MSPDA thanks Riley and LaDonna for all of their hard work as the 2019 Ms. Blarneys!
Taylor Lassi, 2019 Ms. Blarney Contest winner
Taylor Lassi is a driven, fun-loving, and fearless lassie.
Taylor was the 2019 Ms. Blarney. A Princess in 2018, she has been helping raise money for the American Diabetes Association by organizing fundraising events and reaching out for donations throughout the year. Ms. Blarney visits Camp Needlepoint every year.
The MSPDA thanks Taylor for all of her hard work as the 2019 Ms. Blarney!
Darci Wing, 2018 Ms. Blarney Contest winner
Darci Wing is a great mother, friend, and leader.
Darci is the 2018 Ms. Blarney. She and her princesses helped raise money for the American Diabetes Association by organizing fundraisers and reaching out for donations.
The MSPDA thanks Darci for all of the fabulous volunteering she has done on behalf of the community!
A rough and tumble group of kindhearted lads who devote their time to assisting Ms. Blarney and her Princesses with whatever they may need, from transportation and escorting to laughing and sharing a pint.
Notable qualities are a positive disposition on life, kilt on at all times, and a mind toward Irish pride and charity.
If you are interested in joining the Blarney Guard, contact MSPDA at mplsstpats@aol.com
Blarney Guard Alex pictured with 2019 Ms. Blarney Taylor Lassi
Copyright 2016